Father’s Day

Authored by Collin Stoddard on June 29, 2017

Every year I struggle to plan a Father’s Day service at church that will reach the men. We’re living in an age where men of God who are passionate about worshiping God and responding in worship seem to be an endangered species. What motivates us?
What makes us sing? What messages reach us? What messages speak to us? I feel like I know the answers to most of these questions. I love my man caves, my truck, my guns, and struggle to live up to my own expectations of a dad and a husband with the best of them, but perhaps I differ from the majority of dudes in my love of spirit filled, sometimes tear-filled, hands-lifted worship. I guess that’s a good thing in my profession.

This year was no different, although we opted out of singing “Good Good Father” and asked guys to “come as you are” and took a look at men in the Old Testament who stood up for what they believed in the face of adversity.

It was a good reminder that we although we work hard to facilitate moments where men can respond, God has to move the heart. In an impromptu response time after worship Dale invited men who were willing to take a stand to come forward and almost every guy in our service filled the isles to say they were all-in. No gimmicks, no special songs, just God moving hearts. It moved mine.


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